Location: eeeeside
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Alright, so I have been doing the life thing and now I'd like to come back out and have a good time while I'm still here in Cleveland.
Things ummm...changed...I guess. But I've learned that as much as things change they always tend to stay the same. So yeeeah.
1. Some old places I used to go to are not there anymore
2. Some places like Metropolis turn around and do something totally strange (I wonder who designed Dream's interior...I've never seen an ultra-lounge THAT big! HAH!)
3. I've checked out some new places...eh I think it was Scripts (does a big jolly Russian dude own Scripts? he was telling me how he was going to open another club soon...this was few months back) and Supper Club (I know SC is not really new) and I think they are OK.
4. Place2bSeen...I know a little bit about the guy who runs that establishment...is it the same person that does SpotCleveland?
5. Raves are dead, but they were dead starting what, 'oh3?
6. I hear Doug sold the rekkid shop? Yo, for reals?
7. East Side died and West Side is dominating? Wa?
So what else am I missing?
Here are some questions off the top of my head:
Who are the top promoters now?
Top venues (Mercury, really?)
Who consistently brings in premium talent?
Who successfully explores new venues?
Who usually brings in the largest crowds?
If Rabbit in the Moon last through the year, who would you expect to bring them to Cleveland how about Dieselboy or DJ Micro?
Who is hands down worst person to deal with in the scene?
What scenes are jumping off/hottest here in Cleveland?
What are the top five most profitable venues in Cleveland (regardless of music)?
What promoters have the largest investment backing them?
What promoters are the warmest/social with the crowds they bring in?
What venues/promoters have the largest social networking following in Cleveland?
Who is the most talented up-and-coming promoter in Cleveland?
What is the most interesting venue in Cleveland?
How strong is the Cleveland-Pittsburgh promoter connection? If there are still raves in the Pitts why none in Cleveland?
How about the Cleveland - Columbus connection? Columbus still brings in top names, and as far as I hear, on weekend bases...
What of Hip Hop in Cleveland? Who are the movers and shakers of that scene?
I hear the hipsters are taking over...is Cleveland's Indie scene that big now?
Come on people, give me a refresher course!
EDIT: P.S. Am I really now allowed to talk about the DJs here?